Thursday 19 July 2007

BBC rob the British people.

The BBC has admitted putting fake winners on air during phone-ins for Children In Need, Comic Relief and Sport Relief.

The broadcaster has suspended all phone-in quizzes and interactive competitions following a number of "significant failures of control and compliance".
The BBC's governing body, the BBC Trust, said it was "deeply concerned and disappointed".
Speaking on Sky News, the BBC's director general apologised to the public for
letting them down.
Mark Thompson said: "People have a right to expect particularly high standards from the BBC."
Read It Here

(RG) Not only are the BBC by their own admission biased, but now they have been deceiving and thieving from the very customers who pay their wages with this unfair Poll tax of a license fee. If you don’t pay these left wing scum in England to watch their lefty drivel you can go to prison.. These biased lefty filth have committed a crime and as citizens we should report the said crime to the police. We need a revolt against this disgusting organisation and all stop paying our licence fee. I doubt any of these BBC criminals will ever see the inside of a cell as most of them are in cahoots with the pot smoking British Government.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

1 comment:

  1. u really do have a lot of bitterness in you to write stuff as disturbed as this. In the charity issues no one actually lost out and no one was robbed as none of them had actual winners. Staff went on air to keep the shows going not because they had taken money ...unlike the tens of millions of pounds allegedly systematically stolen by operators working with Ch4 and ITV shows.

    Lefty scum and filth ? not the most rational arguement I have ever seen. Where exactly is the leftie filth in consumer shows such as Watchdog or Rogue Traders ...the One Show, the sports coverage, nature shows, gardening, cooking or make over programmes? where is it in the comedy or dramas and where in the documentaries and where on earth is it in the children's output?

    And dont forget that the goverment constantly criticise R4 and R5L for been too RIGHT wing!

    I think that you have every right to argue against the license fee as a lot of people would probably agree ... but to slander and libel thousands of people who work to produce such a massive variety of shows is sad.


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