Sunday 25 February 2007

Prince Harry pays £1,000 for own Army kit

PRINCE Harry has had to spend more than £1,000 on extra kit for duty in Iraq in a damning indictment of the funding of British forces.
The 22-year-old royal — third in line to the throne — bought at least TEN items considered vital for his tour in war-torn Maysan province in May.
But scores of junior-ranking troops in Harry's Blues and Royals regiment have complained they simply cannot afford the equipment. Read It Here

(RG) Sadly I am not surprised at this, when I was a serving soldier buying your own kit was common practice. Unlike our American counterparts where they are issued with $1,000 ray bans and generally want for nothing including ammunition, the Brits have to make do with what they can beg steal or borrow, When you think we are not talking about a boy scout camping holiday we are talking about life and death. Unfortunately for Harry if he wants to be a British soldier he has to experience the disgraceful lack of equipment. Welcome to the real world of the MOD Harry, you couldn’t ask your Granny for a whip round for some body armour for the lads could you?

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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