Tuesday 15 September 2009

Peter Mandelson insults Our War Dead.

Twenty four hours after the death of another brave British soldier
Kingsman Dunn-Bridgeman RIP this disgusting Socialist creature Peter Mandelson has insulted every British soldier killed in Iraq & Afghanistan with his vile comments about his Heroes the "insurgents” You may think this was just a slip of the tongue, you would be wrong I firmly believe he hates the British army and in the past he has insulted the memory of every British soldier killed in Northern Ireland and overseas by the IRA. In 2008 I wrote about him Here on my Blog. There are parts of the UK and abroad that cheer and celebrate when a British soldier is killed, this was mainly in Nationalist areas of Northern Ireland and of course not forgetting the plastic micks of Noraid. Sadly this hatred has now spread to the UK mainland with British citizens that are sympathetic to the Taliban. These comments only help justify more British deaths. I personally believe that Mandelson has a sickly grin every time he hears of another death in Afghanistan. I personally would cheer and buy a large bottle of Champagnes if this vile creature succumbed to AIDS or swine flu or whatever. Remember these comments when its time for a general election and time to take out the garbage.

Watching Men Burn: The Falklands War, and What Came Next a Soldier's Story

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