Sunday 27 July 2008

I'm an ex-Marine who's lived here for 50 years, so why must I pay £750 to prove I'm British?

A former Royal Marine who served three terms in Northern Ireland has been told he must pay £750 and undergo a ‘citizenship test’ if he wants a British passport.
Both of Keir Hardie’s parents were British and he has lived in this country since the age of three.
read it here

(RG) "55-year-old Mr Hardie, who was named after the founder of the Labour Party, was threatened with deportation , Oh dear VOTE LABOUR! "

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.
Boycott BP


  1. Google victimhood poker. The chap is a white, straight, christian. All jokers in the pc game.

    Still another example of New Labour madness, maybe if he hijacked a plane or converted to islam he would be granted leave to stay?

  2. This also happens to children of British parents born on British military bases overseas. I have avuncular relationship with two who are so inflicted.
    Peter Mandlesohn could fast track his gay-boy into the country, but did nothing to assist service families.

  3. Yes and the arrogant pricks still think they can run the country, they are like the Cheif Baffoon says "Just getting on with the job"

  4. He was in the wrong army, should have been in the Taliban as Labour have more respect for them.

  5. Too pissed to be sensible. We old bootnecks might not get much but we can still out vomit everyone except a politician

  6. He'll be all right once we Scots get Independence! He'll get a passport then. He better, cos although I'm Scots through and through, I wasn't born in Scotland. As a forces dependent born outside Scotland maybe I'll be sent packing..... hang on a minute..... Labour are out of favour hereabouts. Can't think why!

    Phew I'm safe.

    HM Govt. = Muppets

  7. Hey Guys.......
    Thanks for your support, we still need to keep the momentum running for Keir.

    Go to

    A million thanks to "Rogue Runner" for having this Post.

    Peter McCracken (foxnwolf)


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