Monday 7 May 2007

How my local rag distort the truth.

This is the report that was printed in the North West Evening Mail my local rag about my book. On the face of it seems a very good account of my life during and after the Falklands war. Apart from the paper accusing me of being an Alcoholic. Yes the military has a culture of hard drinking and yes after the Falklands I did drink heavily but I was certainly not an Alcoholic. I re-enlisted into the army in 1988 and volunteered for a tour of Northern Ireland , not bad going for an Alcoholic is it? After I left the army I joined the Kings Own Royal Border Regiment in Barrow and became an Infantry Corporal, not bad going for an Alcoholic is it? I have no idea where they got this false in formation from but they are way out of line by printing these comments. I will be complaining to the Editor once again as there campaign of harassment seems to be continuing, its enough to drive you to drink!
Read It Here

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.


  1. You give em what for mate!!! Have a pint for

  2. I will Emma, thanks for your support.

  3. It's strange in that article that the photographer is acknowledged but not the journalist who's written that accusation. I noticed that the paper has a message board @
    if the moderator lets you mention it there it's good to get your side of the story over.
    Cheers Cybez :-)

  4. To hell with newspapers, they always write what they think will sell papers....They should try the truth.........I think your truth would sell more papers than theirs would.........You go mate! (from a lady fighting a much smaller battle than you faaced)

  5. Q: Do you drink a lot?
    A: Only when I am thirsty!

  6. I agree, you tell that what you think of it all.. Screw the papers, always full of crap anyway!!

    best of luck

  7. Sod 'em - I stopped buying the papers years ago.


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