This is the report that was printed in the North West Evening Mail my local rag about my book. On the face of it seems a very good account of my life during and after the Falklands war. Apart from the paper accusing me of being an Alcoholic. Yes the military has a culture of hard drinking and yes after the Falklands I did drink heavily but I was certainly not an Alcoholic. I re-enlisted into the army in 1988 and volunteered for a tour of Northern Ireland , not bad going for an Alcoholic is it? After I left the army I joined the Kings Own Royal Border Regiment in Barrow and became an Infantry Corporal, not bad going for an Alcoholic is it? I have no idea where they got this false in formation from but they are way out of line by printing these comments. I will be complaining to the Editor once again as there campaign of harassment seems to be continuing, its enough to drive you to drink!
Read It Here
© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.
You give em what for mate!!! Have a pint for me...lol...xx
ReplyDeleteI will Emma, thanks for your support.
ReplyDeleteIt's strange in that article that the photographer is acknowledged but not the journalist who's written that accusation. I noticed that the paper has a message board @ http://forums.nwemail.co.uk/index.php?act=idx
ReplyDeleteif the moderator lets you mention it there it's good to get your side of the story over.
Cheers Cybez :-)
To hell with newspapers, they always write what they think will sell papers....They should try the truth.........I think your truth would sell more papers than theirs would.........You go mate! (from a lady fighting a much smaller battle than you faaced)
ReplyDeleteQ: Do you drink a lot?
ReplyDeleteA: Only when I am thirsty!
I agree, you tell that what you think of it all.. Screw the papers, always full of crap anyway!!
ReplyDeletebest of luck
Sod 'em - I stopped buying the papers years ago.