Thursday 5 April 2007

Four British Soldiers Killed in Iraq.

Above photo Iraqis examine a crater after a roadside bomb struck a British patrol in Basra, Iraq, southeast of Baghdad, on Thursday. Four British soldiers and a Kuwaiti interpreter were killed in the ambush, the British military said.(RG) This is more like the sort of `gift` British forces usually get from Iran.

(RG)No sooner than the pop of a champagne cork on one side of the UK with the news of the release of the British sailors is the dreadful news that four British soldiers have been killed in Iraq. I just hope that our RN personnel who are due in at Heathrow at noon are made aware of these deaths and tone down the smiles when they land. We are glad they are home but they must show some respect to their fellow servicemen who have paid the ultimate price, ironically the finger print of the IEDs that killed them will be with a man in Tehran they have just thanked.Read It Here

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.


  1. why have we got to be thankful to these maggots!? they have turned this into a PR coup against Britain. Turned us into a laughing stock of the middle East!

  2. One of the killed was my friend, we are shocked and gutted at the loss of his life in such a horrific way!

    You fight for your country and get this in return!!


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