Tony Blair will make clear this week that Britain is not going to send more troops to Iraq even if the US pushes ahead with a "surge" of 20,000 extra soldiers. Read it here
This is not a political decision he just hasn’t got any soldiers left.
The MOD have just allowed granddads to join up so why doesn’t Blair do the odd patrol?
Then again Israel is gunna nuke Iran soon so its doesn’t really matter! Oh if they could only turn the clock back.
© Mack (RG)"Every day feels like the day of a funeral"
I like your blog - it's really good to read 'how it is'instead of spin.
ReplyDeleteI've added your blog as a link to mine.
Here's wishing you a happy 2007.
Probably because he's got nothing left to surge with.
ReplyDeleteSt Crispin
You really need to lighten up a bit mate. I'm sure all this gloom and despondency is good for your poetry but it's getting me down.
ReplyDeleteI hope you're not this bloody miserable when you are with your kids.
Tell you what Andrew if this Blog is getting you down then dont read it , its quite simple really.
ReplyDeleteRouge (sic) - you're right of course. I was just hoping you might see something positive as well.
ReplyDeleteAnon - I'm not little or ignorant, there may be some truth in the rest. You need to calm down mate.
Andrew I hold no grudges against you with regard to your comment, because you are sub-normal and that is not your fault.