Monday 20 June 2011

Cameron’s Boxes For The Boys Initiative

Hot on the heals of Prime Minster Cameron’s new initiative Homes For Heroes he has been quick to defend his treatment of military personnel leaving the forces and finding themselves homeless. This is a press release he gave this morning whilst taking a photo opportunity of mowing the Wimbledon Tennis courts.

As you all know I take great pride in the sacrifice our young men and woman make in the defence of our Nation and I feel its only right and proper that they get priority treatment when it comes to housing issues. Only a few days after I launched the HFH initiative I was shark fishing off the coast of South Africa and I dropped my Ray Bans into the water I new that I had to do more. Once again I had a simple wizard idea to help our Heroes. I have decided and I will make sure that it is made law in the new Military Covenants that any serviceman or woman that leaves HM armed Forces will be issued with a flat packed cardboard box. This will enable them to have somewhere to sleep as soon as they arrive back in the UK. I have spoken to the police Forces around Britain and once all cardboard boxes are clearly marked with the Veteran sticker they will not be harassed for being homeless. And that’s not all Ladies & Gentlemen , at great extra cost to the British tax payer I am throwing in a tin of water prove spray so our veterans can also be comfortable warm and dry when they come home. Due to our huge deficit and ring fencing of overseas aid and the hundreds of millions cost of my War in Libya it will be twelve months until the first cardboard boxes start to arrive at the MOD from a kind donator who happens to know a thing or two about computers, shall we call him Bill? That’s all I have to say on this matter for now but I can assure you next time I’m Grouse shooting I will be thinking of yet more initiatives for our brave boys and gals. I have to go now as I am due at the Indian Embassy to give the Indian Ambassador a huge cheque for Five Hundred Million for a new Nuclear state of the art Aircraft Carrier, which I’m sure you will all agree is money well spent, 

Thank You.


Not that far away from the truth is it?
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