Monday 18 March 2013


United Kingdom
Just look where the UK ranks militarily in the world No.5 , note that India rank No. 4 Read More HERE

Yet amazingly the British government give millions in overseas aid to India, it wouldn't be so bad if some of this money went to feed starving Indians but it just goes to make India a global power and a player in the space race. We are lucky Argentina are ranked 35 , yes you have guessed it we even give the Argies money, your tax money borrowed and putting us in more debt. The Royal Navy is now `too small` to protect Britain and we have to rely on France and the USA to fill the gaps. Also we don't have any submarines     
to protect the Falkland Islands, its just a good job that the Argentinian navy is in a worse state than ours. We don't have any aircraft carriers yet and decommissioned the Invincible   class carriers far to early, without those in 82 we would not have won the Falklands War. But never mind we are No 1 in the world at giving overseas aid, Britannia certainly does not rule the waves let alone the coast of Blackpool. 


  1. Again with this line of attack?

    India spends less than 2% of its GDP on defence. This is much less than the global average which is around 3.5-4% of GDP on defence spending. Relative to the Indian defence budget (~$53BN USD all told),the amount India receives from the UK in Aid is negligible (<0.00044%) and the fact that UK aid to India isn't given to the Indian govt but NGOs makes this a moot point entirely.

    Defence and Space funding are entirely funded by India's own income and has NOTHING to do with aid, a fact too many are keen to ignore.

  2. Thank you for your comments Mr Singh,
    you are obviously a proud Indian, its nice to see we will both be happy when the UK stops sending you our "peanut"

    All the best with your space program, eventually you may become No 1 world power and you can come and invade Britain and pay us back for the alleged plundering we did.


  4. Sir,

    India has no interest in being arbatarily called number 1 world power or anything like that. India just wants to be left alone and to become a country where the aspirations of all its people are met. India knows it has serious issues and is doing as much as it can to address these.

    However, given the neighborhood India lives in defence is always going to be one of the areas India focuses on.

    If it wasn't for the Pakistanis India would have little need to be spending so much on defence as China and India are both sensible nations who aren't going to attack one-another. The Pakistanis on the other hand are mad, they are obsessed with the perceived threat of India. Pakistan is funding terror attacks in India (Mumbai 2008 for example)and trying to destabilise the largest, most diverse, pluralist and secular democracy on earth. They are failing miserably but this is the scenario India faces, I think it is only fair India looks to defend itself from these monsters.

    You in the UK must have similar sentiments considering the growing radicalization of your Pakistani community. Every terror attack in Europe seems to have a British-born Muslim involved and where are these guys going to get training? Pakistan? You see the West and India are fighting the same fight, it saddens me to see you have such a negative view of India.

    There is a reason the US claims UK citizens pose the greatest threat to them after the likes of Iraqis and Afghans. The radicalisation is out of control in the UK.

    Lastly, yes, most Indians would be pleased when the UK ends aid to India, that we can both agree upon.

  5. Dear Mr Singh,
    One thing I can also agree with you is the threat you and myself face from Pakistan, your Mumbai and our 7/7 tube train attacks, the latter being made by home grown terrorists. I fear for my children’s future as Islam will eventually become the majority and dominant religion in the UK, I should be grateful to the large Indian community in the UK that redresses the balance in our large cities. Its not just India and our overseas aid which David Cameron has (ring fenced) there are many other Countries that abuse the aid, especially in Africa. You have a big problem in India with the rape of women, but to balance that in the UK we also have a huge problem with Islamic grooming and sexual abuse of very young British girls, that for many years has been hushed up, as not to create tension between the communities. Thank you for your input.


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