Tuesday 6 April 2010

Wembley Honour May Cost Injured Soldier £25K

An injured British soldier who was invited to parade the Carling Cup at Wembley has been told it could cost him his £25,000 insurance payout. Private Dave Tatlock who was told he would never walk again after being seriously hurt in Afghanistan bravely hobbled onto the pitch in February.
The soldier, from 2 Para, was seen carrying the trophy in front of thousands of fans and TV viewers before the final between Manchester United and Aston Villa. The following day the insurance firm handling his injury compensation claim blocked the payout and said his claim was being "reviewed". Pte Tatlock had taken out £56-a-month private cover with Abacus, which specialises in Armed Forces insurance, before being deployed to Afghanistan.” Some jobsworth somewhere has seen me walk out on to the pitch," he said .

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I’ve got a feeling this jobsworth wont be smiling when Servicemen in their droves cancel their policies in protest at this disgusting decision. You can contact Abacus Here and also read their press release, where they blame the News Of The World. I personally think that it is also a disgrace that our servicemen feel the need to take out personal injury insurance. The Government send them into harms way and it’s the Governments responsibility to adequately compensated our wounded Heroes. The British Public are behind you Dave.

This is Dave Tatlocks statement from his Face Book Group

Hi to all that support me, abacus has posted a statement on there website about me. I would like to tell you the facts from what I know because to me reading that statement I can already see flaws. they have stated that I have received in excess of £100,000. this is true. I don’t think they were allowed to say how much I have been paid out ??? because this is private but would like to know if they can do this ??? but this was for my spinal injuries. but what they fail to mention is that i have bought a house with this sum of money and are now ready to set in motion the health services in this country to start adapting my house so its easy to live in. I haven’t been well recently with pneumonia and the constant nerve pain i go through every day or i would of already done this. as it states in the article the some of money (£25000) is for my foot!! that money will be going into an account for me in later life so that its there if i ever need it (if i get it). the article is nothing to do with what i have already received. as i have said i will get worse as i get older and 1 day i know i will be in a wheelchair yet again. i have accepted this. Headley court have written letters to the insurance company stating I lost the use of my foot, but they say they never received them or there still waiting. to me they are stalling. I feel this way because of the heated arguments between a doctor from Hedley court and a member of the insurance company on more than 1 occasion. (basically they tried to argue that because the doctor did not write the word "foot" and just wrote the word "toes" and "ankles" they thought I hadn’t lost the use of my foot) ???????? I WOULD LIKE TO SEE ONE OF THEM MOVE THERE FOOT WITHOUT USING THERE TOES OR ANKLES ????? . they failed to say this in there press release ? i thought i would just set the record straight because of the rumours flying around, may i add if any 1 wishes to get a copy of my medical notes pay for them and then see if i am lying. they also point out that its not true that some one phoned Headley court to say basically because i have walked out onto the pitch at Wembley they didn’t feel i had lost the use of my foot and would not be paying me out. no one phoned me from abacus to ask how i did it. no one phoned to say had i got better ? they made false comments and decided that i had got better or that i was lying! ? if no one phoned from abacus to say these things then where has this story come from ? I’m not lying. I wouldn’t just make a story up like this. After finding out what they tried to do on the Friday, I rang abacus straight away but could only get hold of some one from another department. i said at this point how angry I was and I wanted a phone call on the Monday morning off a manager to ask what why this has happened. they had all weekend to sort it out. they are a massive company. but no one phoned. to me they had all weekend to backtrack and twist the story. Tuesday I received a call from a manager of the person who phoned Headley and low and behold they say actually its not been stopped just under review and they had never actually stopped it. If they had never stopped it why would I be angry ? to me they are cowards that are backtracking because they have realised over the weekend what a shit storm this would kick up that is my opinion. i have said from the start I just want to get on with my life. i want to enjoy it and I don’t want hand outs just what is owed to me. they have tried to do me over in my opinion, and i hope in every one else’s. I would like some one from abacus to come and watch the pain I am in at the moment every night. I get around 3 or 4 hours of broken sleep and cant sleep most nights because of the pain. im sorry if people have been given wrong facts and don’t agree with this article. they have tried to backtrack, and now try and blame a newspaper for misreading facts, to back me up I think they should read comments by other soldiers and ex soldiers all over the internet that had abacus insurance but got done over by them. again I’m sorry if you don’t agree with this and im sorry if you have been misled for the people that do support me thank you for your continued support. if any 1 wishes to ask me any questions on the subject I am happy to answer everyone!

again thank you for your support

Private Dave Tatlock

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