MPs' expenses: Ed Ball’s claim for Remembrance Sunday wreaths Socialist MP Ed Balls thinks paying £33 for a poppy wreath is to expensive. For the cost of our Glorious dead.
Navy SEALS And The Sign On The Door the Brits got a surge of interest in the SAS after the Iranian Embassy siege.
VIDEO: Mighty Eighth Air Force veterans recount close calls These Heroes are certainly worth a $60 wreath!
Video, Blackmail fears for RAF staff Stolen or just lost again?
Cumbrians urged to fly special flag to support armed forces I live in Cumbria , where do I get my flag?
MP Hutton justifies claims after expenses revealed So John Hutton has no connection with the Labour Party then?
HMLA-167 'Warriors' simultaneously tackle missions in Iraq and Afghanistan Brave Patriots.
French soldier dies in Afghanistan RIP.
U.S. exit may spur Iraq unrest I suppose we could always invade again?
Combat Outposts Promote Bonds Among Soldiers I used to think that the brothers you made on the battlefield were for life until recently.
latest political blog.from Notareargunner
A few days ago I said that in my opinion Gordon Marsden should go and was immediately turned on by an anonymous supporter. I published the articles but now I will expand on my thinking and reiterate that, in my opinion, Marsden has failed the electorate of Blackpool South.
It has been twelve years since the Labour brigade slipped this professional politician under the toilet door and into Blackpool . The electorate knew nothing of this researcher from Brighton , but the demographic and the complete emancipation of the Blackpool South electorate ought to have given some hint. Conservatism in Blackpool was a shambles and has not progressed an inch – centimetre to the Poles – in the intervening years.
With the changing demographics, the public apathy, the frustration of generation after generation of political figurehead achieving absolutely nothing for a declining super town, it was with little wonder that the surge in immigrants with their socialist heritage brought with it this fresh faced figure to suit all needs (sic). In those heady days of New Labour the voters were lured into the fantasy of a new political era under that gleaming new god, Tony Blair and the hubris of an untested deity. History is a great teacher and we now all know what a conniving rogue this messiah turned out to be.
You would have expected that a new philosophy would have brought with it a vibrant new start. Twelve years on and we are reaping the wind of dogma, blind obedience, greed and indifference. Marsden is guilty through inaction. Apart from homosexual matters there is little in his resume to attract his to the ordinary voter – and I have chosen my words very carefully. I don’t demand a popularist. There are many aspects of Frank Fields’ politics I detest immensely, but he has attributes of courage and forth righteousness that put him beyond the labour apologists. Oh to have an MP, someone with an ounce of his integrity and bottle.
The first and most important task of the MP is to hold the Executive to account; that is the sovereign duty of Parliament and the single most important role of each and every MP irrespective of party. Has Gordon Marsden done this – NO! His voting record is on view and accessible (; it is also lamentable and insulting to three quarters of the Blackpool electorate who are not labour sheep.
As labour has slipped through thousands of legislative acts, regulations and amendments, they, those words that dictate our every actions, have had so little scrutiny it is little wonder that our Laws are in a mess. I will not go into the depths of Labour legal mismanagement – nor Marsdens’ contribution, as feeble as it has been, except for the highlight the latest piece of political tomfoolery that is being mercifully delayed by the Lords, the Coroners and Justice Bill. This legislation is being shunted through parliament even though it is ill-conceived and poorly scrutinised. That recent lesson that ought to have been taught by the untimely death of Andy Miller, the Sandgrownun who moved to Blackburn in the early 70’s as landlord to several pubs including the Cabin End is ignored. It is proposed that instead of getting a grip on bailiffs and making sure they are properly regulated, contrary that more draconian powers be given to the Court bailiff operation probably leading to more cases as serious as Andy Millers – the investigation into which Jack Straw set in place in January of this year and has not been published or made available to the Miller family. It is a disgrace and it is a part of the malaise that is the inertia of morality that has crept into public life, led unwittingly by tame political poodles like Gordon Marsden
It is not right for the Labour defenders to squawk that their favourite puppy is a ‘saint’ by not having dipped as deep into the trough as say Hazel Blears or the Right Honourable Lord Peter Mandelson, but if you throw the swill in they all feed. It is no defence to say my MP is a runt so doesn’t get as much as the fat pigs near the bucket, to feed out of it at all makes you culpable. To listen to that apologist for Labour Ben Bradshaw on Question Time and the despicable whining clowns of the Conservative Party ought to make everyone sick. Even the usual lucid and articulate William Haig got caught in the Somme as he tried to find words to defend some of his colleagues, but he too failed miserably. Of that programme, if there are any true political party with decent officials out there, they ought to be spending every second finding the English lady who shamed the weasel politicians with her candour, erudition and sheer presence before an audience of several millions – and to the BBC – instead of paying £92k per annum to these nondescript stupid reporters, give this lady a job.
Yet there are beacons in the middin. Kate Hoey and John Mann must be exceptionally brave individuals, but there numbers are so few. I did not see or hear Gordon Marsden joining their ranks as they called for clarity, honesty and a rebirth of integrity in Parliament. The deafening silence from Gordon Marsden condemns him along with all those who have treated the electorate with such disdain.
I have written to Dr Richard Taylor and asked his to put himself forward as the new speaker of the house, a distinguished and honourable individual with the character to do more good outside his Wyre Forest constituency.
There has never been, in my sixty plus years, to a free, open and public debate in Blackpool . Before the Winter Gardens falls down and is replaced by an Eastern Bazaar there ought to be public and free exchanges with all prospective candidates exposed to the full rigour of scrutiny by the people. The local paper has proved itself to be editorially bankrupt. The eulogising over some Conservative councillors who are as elusive to the electorate as Lord Lucan is to the police is not worthy of title.
A simple question for Gordon; how can an electorate trust a Parliament that has treated the electorate with utter disregard and feathered their own nest while the country has sunk to the worst depression in living memory?
Labour got us into the KaaKaa, that is fact. No more Boom and Bust heralded the Prime Minister. How true that is!
Thank Heaven for the internet and – while it lasts- true freedom of speech.
Bill O Reilly For President.
Obama may ask Canada to extend stay in Afghanistan Well I suggest he says `Pretty Please` and instructs some elements within Fox to stop talking the piss!
Police arrest nine after trouble at homecoming parade We don’t like our troops to be abused and spat on by immigrants.
Signs of respect for soldiers in Sullivan, Ill. I’m Guessing American soldiers wont get abused like ours do in the UK whilst police watch and allow the abuse to continue?
Plane trip
A man and a woman were sitting beside each other in the first class section of an airplane. The woman sneezed, took out a tissue, gently wiped her nose, then visibly shuddered for ten to fifteen seconds.
The man went back to his reading. A few minutes later, the woman sneezed again, took a tissue, wiped her nose, then shuddered violently once more. Assuming that the woman might have a cold, the man was still curious about the shuddering. A few more minutes passed when the woman sneezed yet again. As before she took a tissue, wiped her nose, her body shaking ever more than before.
Unable to restrain his curiosity, the man turned to the woman and said, "I couldn't help but notice that you've sneezed three times, wiped your nose and then shuddered violently. Are you ok?"
"I am sorry if I disturbed you, I have a very rare medical condition; whenever I sneeze I have an orgasm."
The man, more than a bit embarrassed, was still curious. " I have never heard of that condition before" he said. " Are you taking anything for it?"
"Yes," the woman nodded. "Pepper."
New PT uniform doesn't make the swishing sound - Airman Debiase When I first did PT in 1978 with the Junior Leaders Royal Artillery, our shorts vest and plimsolls (Tarmac slappers) made us look like something from Chariots of Fire.
Iran sends warships to Gulf of Aden - navy Oh dear time for the Royal Navy to head back to port.
Canadian Military needs more drones for 'dull, dirty and dangerous' missions And eye on the battlefield that also has a sting in its tail.
Waiting list for adopting American graves This is wonderful, these Dutch kids can learn why they have been allowed to live in freedom.
Memorial Day in Afghanistan: Troops remember many fallen We will remember them. RIP.
Horse Soldiers: The Extraordinary Story of a Band of US Soldiers Who Rode to Victory in Afghanistan Another book on Horses at War.
Two LTTE air strips are to be used by Sri Lanka Air Force It would be rude not to.
Israel is preparing itself for the possibility of simultaneous missile strikes and terror attacks by holding a drill next week. What other Country would put up with these sort of attacks on their soil?
© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.
Boycott BP
Boycott Cross Country Trains
Boycott the Metro Hotel
Boycott the walkabout bar
Boycott Christian-Dior-
Boycott Auto Direct Insurance Services
Boycott Whetherspoons
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