New £1bn Warship Is Making Waves (RG) We can afford ships like this as ,long as Government is prudent elsewhere, I’m sure the cost to the country due to illegal immigration and subsequent overcrowding of our Jails would pay for a whole fleet of vessels such as this. What happened to Rule Britiania? Oh yeah Socialism.

Why is America So Corrupt?
(RG) They have learnt a lot from the oldest seat of corruption in the world the UK Parliament!
Scientists Not So Sure 'Doomsday Machine' Won't Destroy World (RG) Perhaps human kind does deserve to be wiped out? Its probably fitting that we do it ourselves.
Two Army pals are to run a two-day 100-mile race across the Arctic to aid The charity Help for Heroes.(RG) The best of luck to you guys Im sure you will succeed in this tough challenge.
Firm defends 'chav-free' holidays
(RG) Dam good idea if you ask me although some may think RG being a tattooed skinhead might fall under the Chav category, they would be wrong.
Full Steam Ahead For HMS Monmouth (RG) After watching HMS Intrepid being murdered its nice to see the youth of the Royal Navy taking to sea.
TA Gunner has a "hell of an introduction" to Helmand (RG) Thank you for your service Jack Lopresti. 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery are fine Regiment that I had the honour to sail down South to the Falklands in 1982 on the RFA Sir Geraint.

Mayor bids HMS Manchester farewell (RG) God Speed and have a safe tour.
VIDEO: Royal Marine Commandos catch Taliban off guard (RG) Well done guys your Country is proud of you.
Yes, please Minister: Cabinet civil servants given £1MILLION in bonuses (RG) Even in recession the gravy train keeps chugging along, for some.
Don't call us 'dogs': Indian 'slum dwellers' riot over Slumdog Millionaire film (RG) Ooops bang goes another embassy!
France blames Britain for lax security in the battle against illegal immigration (RG) On this occasion France is 100% correct, France is just a route the immigrants of the world take to get to the softest touch in Europe.
Tensions within Nato are 'tearing the Afghanistan mission apart' (RG) Its time for NATO to be scrapped, its impotent and a waste of tax payers money.
Government ordered to release Iraq minutes (RG) This will obviously be the unofficial version?

Israeli Soldier Killed in Gaza Border Bombing (RG) Ask yourself , who wants peace here? RIP.
BAE sells $70m artillery system to Norway and Sweden (RG) Archer Real-Time Attack System Good for BEA is good for the economy and bad for the enemies of Norway &Sweden.
IDF Officer uses Hamas terrorist as shield vs grenade (CQB)
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