Tuesday 27 January 2009

Tuesdays Fire Mission

Helping got hero nicked (RG) Bunch of jobsworth w*****

RAF pilots have tried to BLAST UFOs out of the sky under a top secret Government directive
(RG) If we are struggling to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan literally how on EARTH are we going to beat inter galactic invaders? What if they come in peace? Surly they cant be worse than Socialists?

Brown and Darling 'to delay Budget' as they plan NEW economic bailout package
(RG) They might as well be bailing out the Titanic with a spoon, lets face it where sunk and heading the way Iceland went.

After less than a week in office, Barack Obama's approval rating plunges 15 points
(RG) Crikey that was quick, at this rate give him a few months and he will as popular as Gordon Brown.

Illegal immigrants to be DNA tested under new crackdown in France
(RG) I don’t know what the French are bothered they all come to the UK anyway?

Alcohol makes men BETTER in the bedroom, scientists claim
(RG) Well I don’t know about that but it certainly makes it last a lot longer.

A song by Eliyon Shemesh for the Israeli soldiers.

New Scientist: experts include invisibility cloak on list of inventions for 2039
(RG) Those members of society who expressed an interest in these cloaks where rapists burglars and illegal immigrants.

SAS fantasist 'may have faked his own death'
(RG) It looks like Walter Mitty has done a Reggie Perrin.

Al Qaeda's YouTube Threat To UK
(RG) *WARNING* Images of the Union flag being desecrated.

Does this cartoon make me look fat?: Gordon Brown 'offended by portly caricatures'
(RG) No its actually quite flattering in real life Brown is much fatter and shorter.

BBC Presenter On Assault Charge (RG) Another BBC Socialist thug.

Obama Warns Iran Over Nuke Policy (RG) When the Iranians totally ignore Obama, I suppose he can stand on the world stage and look statesmanlike and angry, or he could threaten to send in Hillary?

Iraqi army 'ready and able' (RG) A positive headline about Iraq from the BBC WTF is going on?

Nato: Afghanistan could spoil the Obama party (RG) NATO will be the same cowardly useless organisation under Obama that it was under George Bush full of European parasite overweight Generals.

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