UK unemployment hits 1.92 million (RG) Yeah and the rest there is nearer to 4 million unemployed , how can you trust these Socialist figures when they don’t even know how many illegal immigrants are in the Country?
Cold War in paradise (RG) 50 years ago thousands of excitable young servicemen landed on the white sands of a Pacific paradise to oversee Britain's testing of early nuclear bombs. The British Government used them as sacrificial guinea pigs and the survivors have rightly so fought for compensation, it wont be long till they all gone from natural caused anyway, but many were denied a natural life and were betrayed by the Country they served, some things never change.

Gordon Brown brings Britain to the edge of bankruptcy (RG) One of the richest Countries on earth is now on the verge of bankruptcy , thanks to a Scottish Socialist with a deep seated hatred for the English, it makes sense now why he gave away our Gold, he wanted to destroy us, Socialism really does suck!

Blogger brought down by dire forecasts (RG) Bloggers beware Gordon is watching you. My prediction has always been that the Socialists of Labour would destroy our Country and our military, you don’t have to be Nostradamous really, America is next on the Socialists hit list.
How unhealthy is a doner kebab? (RG) Well if the person serving you has just had a s*** and not washed his hands, pretty dam unhealthy. I would say. How many people go out on a Friday or Saturday night and end up ill and just automatically blame the beer? In my opinion stay well away from them and the Imodium.
Ex-KGB spy buys UK paper for £1 (RG) I’m surprised he hasn’t bought the traitorous and anti British BBC, they are morally anyway bankrupt.

Pound Tumbles Against The Dollar (RG) As George Bush once famously said, only this time its Gordon Brown “Mission almost accomplished.”

Some people just love to take liberties, I was sent an email explaining that a site would like to link to mine, (See Below)
Recently I visited your website http://rogue-gunner.blogspot.com;while visiting your site I noticed that you link to http://www.nationalreview.com at this address: http://rogue-gunner.blogspot.com/. As we are closely related to them, I would love to exchange links with your website, currently there are about 5,000 - 7,000 people per day that goto my site and search for information, Therefore I would to link to an excellent site like yours.
I have taken the liberty of adding your site to my home page: http://www.rollitup.org to determine if it is of any benefit to you, if you have a stats program you can check it and let me know. By looking at my stats, it looks like today I have sent you 44 visitors but it may change by the time you receive this email.
Some website owners do not like when other sites link to them so I thought I might ask first. I think the information on your website could be useful to my visitors; and maybe you could receive some extra relevant traffic if you want. Please get back to me when you have a chance to let me know if its ok to link to your website like this.
Have a good week,
Mark Thompson
Normally I wouldn’t mind, especially if it was military but linking me, (without my permission )would obviously give the reader the impression that I endorse his web site. Due to the nature of the site I declined in a nice way several days ago, and asked Mark Thompson to remove my site, but its still up there. I’m sure that there are some readers out there that might assume I’m on drugs, but I can confirm the only drugs I take are proscribed for me by my doctor. I will e-mail Mr Thompson again and ask him to remove my link as I DO NOT ENDORSE ROLLITUPDOTORG.
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