Thursday 15 January 2009

Thursdays Fire Mission

SECRET PLAN TO DISBAND GURKHAS (RG) Tell you what lets keep the Gurkhas and disband the Labour Party and the MOD. This Socialist government would rather pay to keep tens of thousands of illegal immigrants and eastern European criminals and gypsies and the dregs from Guantanamo but think the Gurkhas are a drain on the Country . This if it happens will be a crime.

MPS' PENSIONS COST 25% MORE... AND GUESS WHO'S PAYING (RG) This waste of tax payers money would go a long way to pay for the Gurkhas.

Top Secret MoD computers £200m over budget and 18 months late (RG) You have got to hand it to the MOD they are consistently poor across the board. I think they should receive and award for being inept in every department. If the MOD were a company listed on the stock market they would have gone bust years ago.

John Hutton says Europeans are 'freeloading' on Britain and US in Afghanistan (RG) Your right there John and if we continue to allow them they will continue to wear the white feather of cowardice. We must impose some sort of sanctions upon them if not threaten them with expulsion.

Migrants coming to Britain will have to pay 'immigration tax' (RG) So they initially pay £20 to allow them access to the land of milk & honey and the rest of their lives sponging of the British tax payer, not a good deal if you ask me.

An Australian Navy submarine commander is in hot water for suggesting women sailors wearing bikinis might help boost recruitment. (RG) I take everything back I every said about the navy!

Joke Of The Day

Several years before the Gulf War, a female journalist did a story on gender roles in Kuwait. She noted that there it was customary for women to walk 10 feet behind their husbands.

After the war, she returned to Kuwait and was pleased to observe that now the men walked 10 feet behind their wives. She approached a woman at the airport and asked, "What enabled Kuwaiti women to achieve this role reversal?"

The Kuwaiti woman replied, "Land mines."


Feds Cite Racist Chatter for 'Higher State of Alert' in Inauguration (RG) I never knew the Royal Family were attending the Inauguration?

U.S. military report warns 'sudden collapse' of Mexico is possible (RG) Swiftly followed by the UK.

Feces-throwing monkey on the loose in Tampa Bay (RG) This is my headline of the day, I never knew Gordon Brown was visiting Tampa today?

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