NI Troubles legacy to cost £300m (RG) I think the Socialists who thought up this disgraceful insult to the memories of the men woman and children murdered in cold blood by terrorists could re -ignite flames of sectarian hatred and violence once again in Northern Ireland. If you are an American reading this who sadly lost friends or relatives in the attack on the twin towers , how would you feel if Obama gave compensation to the families of the terrorists who high jacked those aircraft?
Taxes to soar by £20BILLION as IMF warns Britain faces deeper recession than any other country (RG) Vote Labour!
Tragedy of accountant killed by a single punch after women made up sex attack story... but boyfriend to serve 30 month (RG) Lee Swales is piece of f****** scum who is typical of British teenagers who have grown up in Socialist Britain. I’m my eyes he is a murdering animal and should hang, but under Socialist Government he will soon be back on our streets again.
The schools where NO pupils speak English as a first language (RG) Bonkers Socialist Britain, this proves they have no interest in integration and makes a mockery out of multiculturalism.
Police tell crime victims: 'We'll only come and see you if you book an appointment (RG) And the plod wonder why the British public have lost all respect for them? Put an England flag up in your garden and see how quick they come around with the riot squad for offending an illegal immigrant who cant even speak English.
Say sorry, America: Iran president demands apology for 'crimes against us' (RG) What’s the betting terrorist appeasing Obama will humiliate the whole of America and say `Sorry`?
Married Tory councillor refuses to remove Page 3 topless calendar from office ... in 'stand against political correctness' (RG) Hats off to Councillor David Taylor , it’s about time more people started to grow a pair and hit back at the Socialists.
New Zealander buys MP3 player for $18... and gets sensitive U.S. military documents in the bargain (RG) Don’t worry America this is what happens when you have a Socialist President, the DOD is simply following the lead of our Socialist MOD.
Soldier who lost both legs in Afghanistan is refused permission for specially-adapted bungalow on grandparents' land (RG) It seems that there are a few Socialist military hating jobsworths at Wealden District Council. He should have said he was fighting for the Taliban he would have had no objections. You can contact themHERE and let them know your feeling on this matter. I have started a face book group
HERE please if you care about our Armed Forces and Joes terrible treatment join the more that put pressure on Wealden Council the better chance we have of giving Joe a better quality life.

Marine Joe Townsend talks about his life-changing tragedy
(RG) Joe you have far more supporters and friends than the cowards that denied you your dignity, we will beat them.
Reaction to the cowardly and disgraceful actions of a council that does not deserve heroes.
ReplyDeleteBattle, skirmish or all out War, those empty bottles have a score
To settle with those enemies of you and me and our democracy.
Because empty bottles are fighting men, who protect us all, again and again
And depart the field not to a hero’s chant, and feast NOT in fancy restaurants.
Awaiting him is no adulation, the best wishes of a grateful Nation
Just a Badge he can wear in a Tesco’s queue.
Just a Veterans Badge for a debt so huge.
Empty bottle was the euphemism for a bootneck when I joined as a 16 year old. The attitude towards veterans was disgraceful then, is tantamount to treasonable now. From Henry VIII onwards wounded veterans held a position within society of respect and honour. That has been destroyed by the attitudes and actions of Left Wing petty politicians and their cowardly masters and their chocolate guard morals.
Well said NARG. Yellow livered Socilaist scum the lot of them that I would gladly put up against the wall and shoot myself!