Kemp Returns To Take On Taliban
(RG) Its good that Ross Kemp has highlighted our troops plight in fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, but lets get one thing straight Ross Kemp is an actor not a soldier, he may have played the part of an SAS soldier for his TV roll as Heno Garvey, but it would be a real bullet that hits him in Afghanistan not a blank with false blood for good effect. If Kemp carries on like this he will find out exactly what its like to be a soldier in Afghanistan, only one coming home in a coffin. Lets hope Kemp is not making the Sky news headlines instead of a documentary.

Medics Grab Guns To Fight Taliban (RG) If our medics some that have treated injured Taliban and undoubtedly saved their lives are captured themselves they will be subject to a brutal death by decapitation, its only right that they have a weapon, the Taliban are not signed up to the Geneva convention.

Marines Craft's Up-Armoured
(RG) Nice to see the lads getting some better kit, I’m sure they will use it to great advantage to our Forces and a disadvantage to the enemy.
Pentagon Hacker In Court Win
(RG) Give the bloke a job with MI5.
A controversial ban on wearing RAF uniform off duty is lifted.
(RG) It should never have been imposed in the first place.
British soldiers provide Iraqi kids with sports field (RG) I hope that they don’t tech them how to dive in the penalty area?
Ladies Army Polo Team play in Argentina (RG) Whoever wins can keep the Falklands, now that would be an interesting game.
Daniel Craig stars in this true story of vengeance and salvation set against the backdrop of the Second World War’s Holocaust. (RG) One to watch.

80 foreign murderers welcomed to Britain: Albanian killers allowed to stay despite being on Interpol 'wanted' list (RG) And the Socialists who import death to our shores wonder why people vote BNP?
Gay paedophile lovers abused boys in flat they were allowed to share 'because of human rights legislation' (RG) This is one occasion where I agree with Islam and what Iran would do to these perverts!
Lord Ashdown claims British soldiers' lives are being 'wasted' in Afghanistan (RG) Yes we could always use them in the UK protecting our borders from illegal immigrants and helping fight terrorism on the streets of our Country.
'Man boob' reduction surgery increases by nearly half
(RG) Apparently Gordon Brown was considering this operation on the NHS, until doctors calculated the cost of removing such a huge amount of tit fat from a fat tit.
Gordon Brown's City Minister criticises banking bonus culture and mismanagement (RG) That’s like blaming your 18month toddler for burning down your house with matches while you were at the pub watching the football.
The British are anti-Semitic says Steven Berkoff (RG) Well I’m not the Israelis are surrounded by their enemies like we are here in the UK, they are proud of their Country and flag, I am proud of mine and I’m a friend of Israel.
people go to join the special forces, 2 males and 1 female. Before they could join they had to pass a simple task,1st up one of the males he was given a loaded gun told to go into a room and shoot his wife, he says there was no way he would shoot his wife, the instructor tells him he is not for them. Then he calls the 2nd male tells him the same e enters the room after a few shuffling noises and raised voices the man emerges crying its my wife I cant shoot her the instructor tells him that he wasn’t for them. next up the woman given the gun told to enter the room and shoot her husband, she enters the room there were gunshots, and the banging and trashing, on emerging sweating heavily the instructor asked her what happened. well she said the gun was loaded with blanks so i had to beat him to death with the chair?
arrse. Toddlers told to stop parents smoking in 'sinister' move by health service (RG) Any chance we can get the toddlers to run the banking system and immigration?
British commandos capture Taliban post (RG) Keep up the good work lads.
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