Oscar nominations 2009: Sir David Frost says Frost/Nixon deserves to win (RG) Can you believe the arrogance of the man, maybe it is a good film but this big headed outburst has definitely put me off watching it, just go back to Aljezera Frost .
Vitamin D 'is mental health aid' (RG) I definitely need a holiday.
Defence company wins £200m deal (RG) See its not all Doom and gloom, the Cloupunchers will keep things ticking over, it might be for the pilots they shoot out of the sky though, Browns private jet maybe?

Thailand defies UN over migrants (RG) A Country using some common sense for once, if the UK is in recession why are we still accepting thousands of immigrants with their hands held out for money, medical care and housing?
British troops on same ward as Taliban: Soldiers' fury as wounded wake up next to the enemy (RG) They probably get better care than our lads as well, and Gordon will probably give them Asylum and compensation for being injured by the British?
Earmuffs on, no more music to the ears as elf'n'safety shunt teachers into silence (RG) Great article on bonkers Britain.
MELANIE PHILLIPS: Arrogant, ignorant and out of his depth, is Banana Boy Miliband our worst Foreign Secretary ever? (RG) Probably yes, he could even be worse than having Hillary, and that’s saying something!
Brown admits: 'I never saw it coming,' as figures confirm we're in the worst recession for 28 years (RG) Yes Gordon we know you have limited vision but everyone outside of your polit bureau did. This is the man who sold of our Gold reserves.
Father stabbed estranged wife to death after she changed her Facebook status to 'single'
(RG) Be careful what you do on face book.
Caught on camera: The moment a royal guardsman attacked a tourist who mimicked his marching
(RG) Don’t take the piss out of squaddies , he’s probably just come back from the Stan
Schoolgirls banned from lessons by headmaster for being 'too blonde'
(RG) I’m guessing his ex wife was blonde? Mine is.
Single mother who allowed her son aged THREE to smoke cigarettes walks free from court (RG) This moronic mother is a product of Browns Britain and is not fit to look after animals.
U.S. college where 32 students were shot to death left stunned as graduate is attacked and decapitated in campus cafe
(RG) WTF, did she push in front of him in the queue?
BBC refuses to broadcast Gaza aid appeal because of 'impartiality' fears (RG) The BBC are left wing terrorist appeasing scum and the political wing of the Labour party.
Ex-Gurkhas go into battle... to fix Britain's railways (RG) And the Socialist scum want to axe these brave little warriors.

Harman warns of BNP Euro victory (RG) There is only one political party in the UK that is "shameful” and that is the Socialist Labour party, a party that has flooded Britain with immigrants from all corners of the earth and driven ordinary people to vote for the BNP.
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