We neeed a Surge in Afghanistan (RG) The way I see it is if your going to seriously hurt the Taliban you need a surge like the one in Iraq. If the West is not prepared to seriously take the fight to the Taliban, then we might as well come home now. Wandering around the Country in small groups getting shot at and killed by IEDS, is not going to achieve much apart from the body bag suppliers shares surging. Ask the REMF nations for more troops, to free up the real men to go do the fighting for them.
'Prince Harry And Chelsy Split' (RG) Seriously who gives a F***?
BBC Backs Ross Over OAP Sex Joke (RG) The BBC are scum and so is Ross, I hope he has a massive heart attack very soon!
Ebola may have passed from a pig to a human
(RG) I wonder which Labour MP passed it on?
Two ex-Guantanamo inmates appear in Al-Qaeda video (RG) Soon to be on a street near you thanks to the Socialists in the Labour party.
Knees-up at the Treasury as Britain plunges into recession (RG) That’s Socialism for you, the pigs will never leave their troughs.
Absent fathers who refuse to pay child support will lose their passports under 'draconian' new plans (RG) Pity the Socialists couldn’t be so 'draconian' when its comes to immigration and fighting terrorism.
Berlusconi to deploy 30,000 soldiers on Italy's streets after wave of violent rapes
(RG) Multiculturalism has certainly changed the face of Italy, I don’t think we have got 30,000 British troops spare for when the UK needs martial law.
More Labour sleaze (RG) Corrupt Socialist scum
Families condemn plans to compensate relatives of terrorists killed in Northern Ireland's Troubles (RG) This sickening idea could only be thought up by a Socialist.
Does this cartoon make me look fat?: Gordon Brown 'offended by portly caricatures' (RG) No its actually quite flattering in real life Brown is much fatter and shorter.

Hamas Says Abbas Must End Its Peace Talks with Israel (RG) There can only be more conflict with this attitude by HAMAS.
Bill O Reilly , that’s where I get my news.
HT/ mliberalguy.
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