Britain opens door to 36,000 Gurkha veterans after policy U-turn(RG) Now that’s my kind of immigration. 36,000 people that actually love and respect and deserve the right to live in the UK.
Is this the worst-ever escape attempt from prison?
(RG) This is funny.
Private security firm Blackwater to be ejected from Iraq (RG) Oh well I suppose Il will have to cancel my CV now?
Shell announces record £22BILLION profit... as drivers wait for plummeting oil price to show at the pumps (RG) The rich get richer and the poor get poorer even in a recession the greedy b*******!
Asylum farce as 90% of illegal immigrants given SAME date of birth
(RG) Laughing stock Britain, only the jokes are on us. Remember if you voted Labour its your fault as well.
Great bright hope to end battle of the light bulbs
(RG) So if you switch one on today it will go out at the same time as the end of our recession?
BNP police officer back on the beat after being cleared in Met probe
(RG) This is the right decision , I mean its not like he was a member of the IRA or anything, then again you get money for being in that now don’t you?
Octuplets mother 'already has SIX children - including twin boys'
(RG) Imagine the benefits she would get if she live in the UK?
Greedy beyond belief: Lloyds tried to fix more pay for bank bosses AFTER taxpayers' £17bn bailout
(RG) A pig will eat until it sick and then sh*t and pi** and eat that as well.
Harriers Power up With New Contract (RG Fantastic aircraft, we could have done with a few more of these in the Falklands War.
A bogus SAS veteran was used to advise on Cabinet Office security
(RG ) Sound about right for the Labour party.
18bn Barrels of Oil Under Falklands (RG ) I bet even Gordon Brown took his nose out of the trough for a moment when he heard this news. If they do strike oil in the Falklands , they should sever all links with Socialist Britain and build their own defence force on the lines of the IDF.
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