Dozens of squatters evicted yesterday from a housing estate in south London by bailiffs using battering rams last night decamped to blocks of flats which have been used for soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.Read It Here
(RG) When Des Brown (The illegitimate half brother of Gordon) heard about this incident he issued this statement, “On behalf of the British Government we would like to apologise for the appalling state of the MOD buildings and would like to offer a substantial compensation package to any illegal immigrants that have been upset by their unfortunate time within MOD housing.” The defence secretary was then seen to slap one of his male aids bottoms before producing a bottle of Scotch and downing it then smashing the bottle against a wall. A Somalian transsexual who cleans for Mr Brown said Des was under a lot of stress at the moment as everyone now knows that the new aircraft carriers are just a load of bollocks.!
© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.
Boycott BP
Boycott Cross Country Trains
MPs criticise housing for forces
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