The report, which was published in February 2008, paid tribute to Defence Medical Services personnel, working with the NHS, who provide world-class care. The MOD believes that the conclusions of the report will prove particularly helpful in determining the future of medical care in the Armed Forces. Read It Here
(RG) I am extremely depressed after attending a medical for my War Pension, I receive a 50% War Pension for Deafness, IBS, and PTSD. A few weeks ago a received a phone call out of the blue telling me that I had to attend for a medical at my local DSS centre in Barrow-in-Furness. I have been subjected to these humiliating medicals before where you are made to feel like a scrounger and a liar. I know that medicals like these are responsible for veterans taking their own lives yet they continue to make your condition worse. I have only just been able to let people know about this as I could feel myself slipping into clinical depression. I understand a need for the Government to assess veterans conditions but it can be done a lot better than this. Veterans receiving a War Pension are examined by biased doctors that are working as contractors for the MOD, they are solely interested in trying to take money from you and save the MOD, they will be on a bonus for every War Pensioner they can lower his percentage. I wont go into to much depth about my personal medical as it makes me extremely angry and depressed, but I was made to run around the room like a performing Chimpanzee touching my toes and lifting my arms up and down even though I am not physically disabled apart from my IBS which if you suffer will know that it can be extremely debilitating and painful if not on occasion embarrassing. The GP if that is what he was knew nothing about PTSD and just read his ridiculous questions from a form. He asked me to say the days of the week backwards, He asked if I new what was happening in the news? the most sickening was if I new what had happened to the girl in Austria. Then he gave me some arithmetic like take 25 away from 100 ect.. When I informed him that over 300 Falklands veterans had committed suicide he admitted that he did not know that, from his facial expression he seemed to doubt me. I felt violated and humiliated and depressed and still do. I feel like I am a worthless burden upon the Country and the interrogation has left me in a rather delicate mental state. The reason I have taken the time to Blog this is simply incase I do take my own life, I want the world to know how the MOD is driving veterans to suicide with this constant harassment. They don’t give us any help just make our lives a misery and make us queue up with the dregs of society our self esteem rock bottom. This is not an exercise in self pity it is a warning to the rest of the ex Forces community to be ready for this latest attack upon Veterans who have served their country but are now looked upon as a burden. I can honestly say that they have set me back a long way after yesterday and I am reaching that dangerous grey area in my mind where I must take some action positive our negative, I feel under attack and soldiers when attacked either Fight Back, retreat or Die. Some times the pen or Blog is mightier than the sword and at least I am doing something by writing this article. If a person is given Asylum in the UK he would not be required to justify every year the reason for his Asylum. If a woman or a man was raped they would rightly not be required to relive their rape to justify why they are ill would they? But its fair game for veterans, the same old repetitive forms to fill in the same old questions the same old biased doctors with their questions designed to trip you up and make you out to be a liar. I am not a liar I am genuine and I have repeatedly asked the MOD to put me in a sleep clinic and I will show them what ONE night is like in my nightmares. The truth is the MOD are killing our veterans with red tape instead of shooting us at dawn. At this moment in time they have me tied to the post and blindfolded, but instead of my fellow soldiers aiming their rifles at me they have given me a pistol and want me to administer the `coup de grace` Maybe I should have been a Barrister?
RIP Terry Walker
© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.
Boycott BP
These pen pushers have no idea of what our soldiers have been through. Someone somewhere should start a movement to stop these BASTARDS now.
ReplyDeleteThe questioning of a War veteran with PTSD about Cyclones and Austrian rape dungeons is appalling and I am making an official complaint.
ReplyDeleteThe Military Covenant
ReplyDeleteSoldiers will be called upon to make personal sacrifices - including the ultimate sacrifice - in the service of the Nation. In putting the needs of the Nation and the Army before their own, they forego some of the rights enjoyed by those outside the Armed Forces. In return, British soldiers must always be able to expect fair treatment, to be valued and respected as individuals, and that they (and their families) will be sustained and rewarded by commensurate terms and conditions of service. In the same way the unique nature of military land operations means that the Army differs from all other institutions, and must be sustained and provided for accordingly by the Nation. This mutual obligation forms the Military Covenant between the Nation, the Army and each individual soldier; an unbreakable common bond of identity, loyalty and responsibility which has sustained the Army throughout its history. It has perhaps its greatest manifestation in the annual commemoration of Armistice Day, when the Nation keeps covenant with those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, giving their lives in action.
Now you have read the above please tell me was this part of the Military Covenant adhered to with Tony McNally when he was hauled in front of a penny pinching paid for stooge of the MoD who they call a Doctor “In return, British soldiers must always be able to expect fair treatment, to be valued and respected as individuals, and that they (and their families) will be sustained and rewarded by commensurate terms and conditions of service”
The answer is a residing NO. Is it part of the Military Covenant to put an ex-British soldier through a humiliating and downright intimidating so called medical? All so the MoD can possibly save money and take his war pension away. Here is a man who is suffering from Post Battle Stress disorder and IBS having fought in the Falklands where he shot down to enemy jetfighters, a man who also went on to serve on the hostile streets of Northern Ireland. For his service and loyalty to his Country like many ex service men up and down the Country every couple of years he is dragged in to his local DHSS office along with the prostitute’s drug addicts and undesirables who have never got off their backsides to work. Once there he is given a medical to assess his mental state. This medical is not carried out by some eminent professor of psychiatry or a Doctor who has seen service and combat, no it is carried out by a Doctor who has no special expertise in this field. The Doctor asks a series of standard questions about every day life,” How do you feel” , “what’s going on in the world”,” what’s 100 take away 20. He then made this man do a number of physical tasks like bending down etc. Now all Tony McNally has to do is wait for a number of weeks to find out if this Doctor thinks he is still suffering from Post Battle Stress Disorder (of which there is no cure) and then they will decide if he is a malingerer or he can have another two years and then go through all this again?
This ladies and Gentlemen is how the MoD and the British Government honour their side of the Military Covenant. What I have to say about the above is this
Those deceitful cowardly bastards are not fit to lick the boots of the servicemen they have dishonoured by breaking the Military Covenant. They should be made accountable for what they are doing.
My advice to any person thinking of serving this Country in the armed forces is Don’t, they are liars who have broken the Military Covenant.
Outrageous, I am sickened by your treatement RG.
ReplyDeleteThe Military Covenant has been not only broken but totally disgarded. I think it is now time to take on the so called Veterans agency about this harrassment of veterans having to under go these medicals every two years. It is farce and it's only purpose is to try and take money away from veterans who are rightly given a pensions for injuries suffered during service. I think the The Military Covenant is a legal binding document and as such what the MoD are doing is unlawful and it should be before the courts. Please say what you think people. I would like to hear from people all over the world.