Robot insects like those seen in the hit film Minority Report are being developed for the Army to hunt down enemies, carry bombs and identify weapons. Read It Here
(RG) When Gordon Brown heard about these robot spiders he was said to have smiled for the first time since his Socialist party got its arse kicked in local elections. He dismissed the military potential of these spiders and said he wanted several hundred in each town by the end of the year. The PM was said to have laughed like a hyena when he was talking to his cronies, quote… “Those half wits in their council estates will be so out of it on drugs and booze (Pity we cant tax the drugs) that they will never see these spiders spying on their wheelie bins, absolute genius, but only use them against the English scum and those that voted Tory” Ken Livingstone was said to be in tears saying “Those Yanks stole my idea“.
© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.
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