Max Hastings claims in the Guardain that distaste for unpopular wars, coupled with the unfitness of our teenagers, has left Britain woefully short of soldiers. Read It Here
(RG) The left wing Guardian just love writing stories like this about the British Forces, the sad part is I find myself agreeing with most of it. Why are we in such a mess in the first place? New Labour and failed Socialist policies, sending our Forces to War in the first place and then as is typical of Socialists not giving them the correct support whilst in theatre or at home, especially the injured. The truth is the situation is even worse than we think as many soldiers only exist on a piece of paper and are not fighting fit. Its all well and good saying `Our Forces are no Longer World Class?` but how can they be when they have been betrayed by overpaid politicians who only care about how many perks they can amass and the next free piss up. They are more interested in making sure the tax payer has paid for their TV licence than the soldiers fighting and dying for them abroad. There will come a crisis point in the Military if we are not already there? When it is decided to bring back conscription and this will never work. It looks bleak all round, but don’t worry the Conservatives are coming to the rescue? How many times have they tried to put things right, and guess what after two or three years of Tory Rule you will start to hear the Old Chestnut “We was better off under Labour” and so it will go on, Flip flopping between the two and I am as guilty as the next man. In some ways I wish I had been a politician I just didn’t realise how lucrative a job it was when I was younger, its much safer than being a gangster and there is a lot less honour, so my advice to any youngster is get yourself in to politics and join the never ending gravy train.
© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.
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