Friday 30 November 2007

Falklands veterans to qualify for free mental health checks
War veterans will receive free mental health assessments, the Ministry of Defence announced.
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(RG) This is just another lesson in Labour spin. The Falklands veterans who need this sort of treatment most are already dead over 300 of them as they could not take another day of suffering after 25 years. I personally witnessed a Falklands veteran have a massive panic attack at Mount Pleasant in the departure lounge and he missed his flight back to the UK and had to be hospitalised. Lets hope the lads and lassies from Iraq & Afghanistan get better treatment, or at least some treatment, but that usually only happens if their GP finds out about their military past when they are ill or they get arrested. I wouldn’t call it FREE anyway I think they have all paid enough.
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© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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