In army-speak it is known as "voluntary outflow", or VO. It is the latest Ministry of Defence jargon for the numbers of soldiers quitting the army before the end of their enlistments. Figures obtained by The Herald suggest that if VO were a river, it would be in spate. Earlier this year the MoD was boasting of "buoyant" recruitment figures in response to a costly advertising campaign, but there is another side to the story. Today The Herald publishes statistics showing that in the infantry units there has been a haemorrhage of trained soldiers, with 4900 opting for premature retirement, many of them experienced senior officers, while only 4000 raw recruits have taken their places.Read It Here
( RG) Perhaps they should consider stopping treating soldiers like second class citizens and allowing them to walk the streets in their uniforms instead of barring them from Pubs like the Walkabout in Liverpool and Harrods Store in London. Then we could try giving them better equipment and not taxing them unfairly whilst they are risking life and limb for their ungrateful Nation. We could give them dedicated military hospitals, Oh balls to it give them a pair of pyjamas when they get wounded, now I am going to far and must remember we are living in the Former Great Britain, how silly of me.
© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.
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