A soldier’s widow has accused the Government and the Army of letting her down by failing to grant her a full pension.
Mick Thompson, who had served in Bosnia, Iraq and Northern Ireland, was killed in a road accident while driving to work at the British military base in Cyprus two years ago. Read It Here
(RG) Once again we see a brave British soldier who gave his life to his country treated appallingly by the slimy civil servants who wouldn’t know what honour and duty was if it hit them between their cross eyed smug faces. As I understand it you are paid 24 hours a day in the military and they can call you back from leave when ever they want, you basically belong to the military. What if Mick Thompson had been driving to work and he was attacked and killed by terrorists? This disgusting decision by the MOD just proves that they are penny pinching immoral and heartless to boot. I’m sure a Taliban fighter in Afghanistan would have more rights and be looked after better than most of our guys.
© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.Rogue_gunner_32_alpha@yahoo.co.uk
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