Wednesday 31 October 2007

Slur on British 'Iraq and Afghan' heroes as inquest backlog just keeps on growing.

The backlog of inquests on British troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan is still growing, the Government admitted yesterday.
A total of 253 servicemen and women have died on operations since 2001 but almost half their families are still waiting for inquests.
Read It Here

(RG) I’m afraid they will behaving a long wait as inquests are not exactly top of the MODs `To Do` list. Plus they might inadvertently drop themselves in it and their not about to do that in a hurry. The problem is generally people have this misguided idea that there is some from of honour in Government, sadly this is not the case and it has as I have stated before there is a deep institutional hatred of our Armed Forces. Once a soldier is killed to them they simply don’t matter any more, they are like a used bullet. Until the MOD are totally revamped from top to bottom and replaced by decent men and woman who truly value our men & woman in the Forces there will be a lot of families of ex servicemen who have paid the ultimate sacrifice left totally devastated by the fact their loved ones have been betrayed.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War

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