Sunday 28 October 2007

£1bn defence shortfall 'will cripple MoD'.

Troops will be left short of crucial weapons and equipment by a £1 billion black hole in the defence budget, it is claimed. The shortfall will leave servicemen without Apache gun ships, Land Rovers and Chinook transport helicopters, according to experts. Read It Here

(RG) It wont be the MOD slimy arsed civil servants that will be crippled it will be the men on the ground as usual. Now I’m no politician but I think it would not be that difficult to make up the short fall. Scrap the Human Rights Act (Insurance policy for terrorists to kill us in the UK) that should save a few million in claims with prisoners claiming their beds are lumpy. What about halving Mps salaries, they will still live like Emperors of a small Nation on their wages. We could also have a cap on every Tom Dick & Harry seeking Asylum in the UK, there is another few million, I could go on but my fingers will get sore. Oh yeah and john Prescott is gone now, on that fat bastards food bill alone will can build several new aircarft carriers.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War

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