LONDON (AFP) - British soldiers have brought a small piece of Afghanistan to London, in a museum show reflecting their experiences in the violence-torn southern province of Helmand.
"Helmand: the soldiers' story" opened Friday at the National Army Museum, bringing together diaries, videos, photographs and personal objects ranging from camouflage jackets to army boots donated by 150 soldiers.
A huge tent houses a reconstruction of a military unit's living quarters, while visitors can study campbeds littered with soldiers' letters to their families.
Bunkers made out of sandbags also evoke frontline operations in the volatile province, nicknamed "Hell-land" by some of the show's participants who have faced fierce and deadly fighting with Taliban insurgents
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© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.
(RG) I hope they dont bring too much stuff back as there wont be anything left for the guys in the Stan.
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