Soldiers from the 1st Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment – the Vikings - have been helping Afghan farmers extend their irrigation systems, to help save crops needed to sustain hundreds of villagers.
Major Dom Biddick, officer commanding A Company, held a ‘shura’ (meeting) with elders from the villages around Jusyalay, the area betweein Sangin and Putay in Helmand province, to find out what the people needed to help bring reconstruction and development in the area.
The meeting followed the difficult and dangerous Operation Ghartse Gar, which saw the Vikings clear Taliban elements from the Jusyalay area.
WO2 Kevin Main from Harwich, Company Sergeant Major of A Company said: "Any opportunity to improve the living conditions of the locals has to be exploited. Whether this is improving irrigation or providing emergency medical care. At battalion level lots can be fixed at short notice that would otherwise be lost in politics or put on hold"
Read It Here
(RG) Just makes you wonder what these grateful farmers do for a part time job Taliban fresh rations delivery? Poppy grower?
© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.
The Truth Shall Set You Free?, August 1, 2007
ReplyDeleteBy Penny Duff (St. Petersburg, Florida) - See all my reviews
At a time when Islam seems to be taking over some European countries and our own government is trying to buddy-up to the very nations behind 9/11, it is desperately important that we understand what we are dealing with.
For the Muslim who believes Islam is a way of peace and love, you need to know the truth.
For the person considering conversion to Islam, you need to have your eyes wide open.
The author at all times is at pains to be more than respectful towards Muhammad and Islam, while giving the biography of a man considered by many to be a prophet, a man who through his life became increasingly violent in his own person and in his instructions to others. The God portrayed by his lifetime and the words of both the Qua'ran and the Haditha is a God of violence and retribution, a God which makes the God of the Old Testament look downright chummy. To those who would walk the way of peace and love with all peoples, you cannot truly be a Muslim.
It is critically important that all peoples understand that Islam as portrayed by Muhammad, the Qua'ran, and the Haditha, is a religion that actively teaches that the proper disposition of infidels (i.e., those who reject Islam and the prophethood of Muhammad) is death. No compromise. If a non-believer is permitted to live in the same area/country as Muslims, it is as clearly-defined second-class citizens, who do not have nearly the same rights as Muslims. This is the case in countries living under Islamic law today. In fact, Jews and Christians are singled out as being far more evil than those of other religions, since they allegedly had the truth of Muhammad's prophethood and coming in their own Scriptures and allegedly altered the Scriptures to eliminate those references. Too, remember that Jesus was not crucified, but a double used to fool everyone. Islam teaches that the only form of government that is ultimately acceptable is that of Islamic law--not democracy, not communism, not monarchy--unless the monarch is either a religious leader or deeply subject to one, not civil dictatorship. To think that a truly Muslim state and a democracy are compatible is to live in a fantasy.
Islam's position on women is horrendous. If a woman is raped, four eye witnesses (all male) must testify to it. Otherwise, the woman is charged with adultery and the man goes free. Witness that about 3/4 of the women in Pakistani jails are there for being raped and reporting it. Women are essentially and truly property, with no rights of their own. Although the veiling of women had its roots in early Pagan practice, it carries over with the idea that it hides women from God's sight, and that an unveiled woman is offensive in God's sight.
This is an alarming work. It is all the more so because the author is deeply conversant with the documents of Islam (Qua'ran, Haditha, and so forth), quite apparently has an excellent command of Arabic, and does not use sources outside the honored ones of Islam.
Islam claims that they worship the same God (Allah) as the Christians and the Jews. When you study especially the God of the New Testament, and the God or Source or Creator of other world religions, you find a God of peace and forgiveness, a God who loves all people and is completely abhorrent of the slaughter of unbelievers. Allah is merciful, forgiving, and loving ONLY to Muslims--all others should die by true Islamic teaching. We do NOT worship the same God as the Muslims, unless we worship a god of vengefulness and destruction on all those who do not agree with a narrow set of views. I'm sorry, but the God I know is a God of boundless love for all creation, not just those subscribing to a violent set of beliefs.
Everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, needs to hear and listen carefully to Robert Spencer's work. Know what Islam truly represents, as laid forth in its own documents. As for me, I am grateful for having my eyes opened.