And he had the cheek to call me a liar.
“The Claimant alleges that he and his unit came under attack from enemy artillery and were bombed on a daily basis whilst at San Carlos. This allegation is wholly untrue. There was no Argentinean artillery capable of firing into San Carlos Water and whilst the ships in San Carlos Water were bombed on a daily basis, the rapier fire units, of which the Claimant was a member, were not bombed, strafed or attacked. All of the targets, with the exception of the refrigeration plant, were ships”
Colonel Graham Smith. 2003
“Equipment and crew were the most vulnerable of all ground troops to air attack. Extremely wet conditions meant that it was virtually impossible to dig at most sites. Missile containers, filled with earth, were used to build protective walls for operators and banked with earth and turf. Missiles were scattered widely (protective dispersion) as opposed to pamphlet teaching of holding in "ready to use area. Some concern was expressed at the excessive use of white paint to mark missile containers. A dull colour should be used
to aid camouflage. There Were 3 deliberate fixed wing attacks against launchers and operators, with rockets, cannon and bombs, fortunately unsuccessful. Three other detachments came under fire as a result of area attacks but
again without serious damage. One launcher radome was peppered with shrapnel from a 500 lb bomb but continued to function without loss of performance.
There was no protection for crews apart from that improvised with missile containers. "
Major Graham Smith
BC. 1982.
© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.
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