Hobby craftswoman Helen Kirby from Ulverston recently began sending home-made cards to servicemen and women in Iraq and Afghanistan for them to send to their loved ones back at home. Now Mrs Kirby, 34, is appealing for other card makers to get involved. She said "I'm a member of a large stamp group in America and I heard that girls out there were making cards for the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. I send the cards to Agnes Hunter who makes the parcels up and they are then sent to Iraq and Afghanistan. One of the Sergeant Majors sent them to soldiers in one of the worst regions and they were so pleased as they could send cards back to their loved ones. They can't just pop down to the corner shop to get a birthday card and so on so its a nice way for them to let people at home know they are thinking of them. Any cards are welcome e.g. birthday, wedding, anniversary, christening, birth, love or just blank for a message". Helen is currently making around 25 to 30 cards a month to send out to the troops. Joyce Cowin, owner of E.J. Crafts on Market Street, Ulverston, is supporting the appeal. Craftspeople can drop their completed cards in at the shop and they will then be distributed to troops abroad via . 'Support our Soldiers'
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