Tuesday 13 February 2007

Labour Fires another Excocet at the RN.

One of the Falklands war’s doughtiest fighters, HMS Intrepid, is to be dismantled, 25 years after she was first saved from the scrapheap and four months from the 25th anniversary of the islands’ liberation.

(RG)The Argentine Junta couldn’t kill her but she has finally succumbed to the New Labour Junta.Read It Here
Hat Tip Theo Spark

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.


  1. You don't know how sad this makes me. Intrepid was my first ship back 1987 and I served onboard her again in 1996. It's a damn shame and she will be sorely missed.

  2. She is a proud ship and will always be remembered, I salute you and her.

  3. It's always sad to see a ship go, but HMS Intrepid is coming up on her 43rd birthday and the Albion-class troop carriers supposed to replace her are already in service. Better this way than to keep the old girl in service until she's a death-trap.
    Now, if we only had enough destroyers and frigates...


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