FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. - An Army private charged with the slaughter of an Iraqi family was diagnosed as a homicidal threat by a military mental health team three months before the attack.
These horrific events that occurred in Iraq highlights the serious consequences of not taking mental health seriously especially in the military. It seems by this report that Pfc. Steven D. Green was found to have "homicidal ideations" and yet he was still allowed to serve in an extremely stressful theatre of operations like Iraq. I know we are short of boots on the ground but this is plain incompetence and negligence on behalf of the military. Luckily for the UK an incident of this severity has not happened yet, but I know that UK troops have been operational in Iraq & Afghanistan whilst taking medication for depression. We are not talking about a couple of aspirin for a headache here, some of these men need specialist psychiatric help. If men are ill whilst still walking around with a rifle in their hands we are in serious trouble. Over the coming months and years we will have many hundreds if not thousands of UK serviceman and woman coming home totally changed forever. Some are serving with TA units and are expected to just slot back in to society, it just will not be a smooth transition as we do not have the assets in place. Most servicemen only realise they have a problem well after they have left the military like myself and many others. We can build tanks and bombs, lets build some specialist psychiatric hospitals and staff them with the best military experts. I know I’m having a laugh they cant even give them enough ammo or food in the field, God help them in civvie street. Read it Here
Do soldiers get enough care?
Falklands vet killed his own son
CBS News
© Mack (RG)"Every day feels like the day of a funeral"
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