Monday 29 January 2007

Ex-soldier admits massacre of his family

This is the deadly consequence of PTSD at its worse. I take no pride in my prediction that we will see more cases like this one. Even experts on PTSD and mental health like Charles Figley predicts a tsunami of mental health problems resulting from the war in Iraq is headed our way," This should be a warning to Governments to make sure the resources are put in place to treat ex servicemen & woman who are experiencing mental health problems. If you are one of these sceptics that think that PTSD is a load of bollocks and all about compensation think again. You watch the War in Iraq & Afghanistan on the TV like its a million miles away, the truth is that War can resurface in your office on the tube in a pub bar or restaurant. I can understand why these men end up damaged like this because I am one of them and it was left to a civilian GP to diagnose me. Shame on the MOD for this gross negligence. This case is practically manslaughter on their behalf. Read It Here

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

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