Two of Britain’s Army dogs are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after coming under attack from Taliban fanatics in Afghanistan Read it Here
They should `just lighten up a bit` and maybe chase a few sticks aint that right Andrew?
© Mack (RG)"Every day feels like the day of a funeral"
Tony Blair summons Gordon Brown to his office in Downing Street. Sit down; sit down ushers Tony as Gordon walks in. How’s the family? Tony says with distinct look of boredom on his face. Oh very well replies Gordon and yours? Oh can’t grumble replies Tony, Cherie continues to make good money from her talks. Talks about what says Gordon with a puzzled look on his face. Tony coughs nervously and says in a whispered reply “Not really sure, never really listened.
ReplyDeleteWell enough small talk says Tony straightening his collar. Gordon as you know, my days in number 10 are coming to an end. As a very, very valued friend could you give me your candid opinion on my achievements during my time in office?
Oh my candid opinion, are you sure? Replies Gordon. Yes I am Gordon says Tony, be really honest. Ok then says Gordon but don’t say I didn’t warn you, here goes.
Energy bills have gone through the roof
Pensioners are worse off than they have ever been
Petrol prices are the highest in Europe
We are still funding a leftie political organisation that is totally out of control. Tony looks puzzled. The BBC quips Gordon
Crime has spiralled out of control and the plastic police force is a farce
With your permission I have given Billions of £s to Africa despite needing the money here says Gordon looking awkwardly at his shoes. Now, now says Tony leaning over patting Gordon’s knee “credit where its due that was a joint effort.
You have brought in so many unworkable laws no one knows what is going on, continues Gordon.
Islamic terrorists have bombed our capitol. Islamic radicals have taken to the streets issuing death threats with impunity. Mosques are going up all over the country while churches are being demolished. The very fabric of our Christian way of life is constantly being challenged while middle England wrings its hands to scared to say anything in case they upset the Asians.
Foreign criminals and illegal immigrants wander in and out of the country at will unchecked.
Our armed forces are badly paid and under equipped fighting an impossible war that we should never have got involved in.
Gordon takes a deep breath. Finished says Tony Blair. Yes says Gordon Brown.
They both stand up and walk around the desk and grab hold of each other in big hug. Beat that says Tony in to Gordon’s ear. Give me time says Gordon, give me time.
And what for you now says Gordon? AMERICA! Shouts Tony I wouldn’t want to live in this shithole. Both Tony and Gordon crease up laughing. “That’s politics” they say in unison.
hi , this is yun yi .^__^ i've just read the msg that you wrote to me .why are you so sad ?? Anything worried you ?? I just simply ask you , didn't mean anything . If you mind , you can refuse to answer my question . Last but not least , thanks for leave me a msg !! I appriciate it !!
ReplyDelete* have a wonderful day *
* happy always *
yun yi