Monday 15 January 2007

Another British Soldier Killed

A British serviceman has been killed in Afghanistan's Helmand Province. Read it Here R.I.P.

Heroic Marine Is Named

© Mack (RG)"Every day feels like the day of a funeral"


  1. RG,

    What I wrote was NOT 'a view on PTSD'. It was my take on your blog, which I think you'll agree comes from a very dark place. I should probably have read more before I commented.

    I presume now that you suffer from PTSD and if I caused you (or other sufferers)offence or upset, I apologise. For what it's worth I DO believe that exposure to traumatic events can cause lasting emotional and psychological damage.

    I am very grateful to all of the men and women in the British services who put themselves in harm's way to protect me and my family.

    Thank you.

  2. Thank you for your honesty Andrew. PTSD is a massive problem to all of us in society. I could have shielded myself from comments by not allowing them, but I feel you have to be prepared to take some flak, perhaps PTSD and taking flack are not a good combination? As I have stated before more Falklands veterans have taken thier own lives due to their sometimes untreated PTSD. Only last year my friend Mickey who served on my Rapier down South was taken as a result of his PTSD. Sadly a great many of the public do not understand PTSD and think its just feeling a little upset like getting slightly down. I think I’m right in saying that an average of ten Falklands veterans take their own lives each year, my biggest worry is that this year being the 25th anniversary might be a year to far for some veterans who have struggles to keep going for the last 24. What I would like people to understand is the emphasis on `Post`. I wanted to be a soldier nobody forced me to join up and I went to War willingly as a result I have become ill due to my service and myself and others should be treated the same as if we had been wounded by a bullet or lost a limb. When people see no visible injuries they are too quick to condemn them as whiners or scroungers. Once again thank you for your comment as it gives us all a chance to try to educate people to the nightmare myself and others live with PTSD 24/7.


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