Scouser was shot in head and face, but lived to tell the tale in new book."I was at death’s door. I had dressings covering my face to stop the blood and remember being loaded onto a stretcher. I heard one of the guys carrying me say ‘This one’s alive’ and the other said ‘Is he? Let’s take him back, then’.
“There was a makeshift mortuary – and I think I was being taken there to be placed with the dead.”
This is the incredible story of Scouser Jimmy O’Connell. The incredible story of a bitter and bloody battle and a brave battalion.
And it’s being told by the man, himself.
Former Liverpool black cab driver Jimmy, 53, isn’t just a Falklands’ hero and newly- published author – he’s also a master of understatement.
Recalling the battle that helped win the Falklands War, almost robbed him of his life – and certainly changed it forever – the former private in the 3rd Battalion, the Parachute Regiment, describes it as “a bit of a dust-up”.
Sitting in his home in Orrell Park, the former paratrooper, who has just written Three Days In June, an account of the Battle of Mount Longdon, recalls: “We got caught in artillery and machine gun fire.
“I was hit in the head and face – a bullet went through my nose and took out my cheekbone and right eye.
“I expected to get hit again because there was that much stuff coming down around me. I thought ‘I can’t see myself getting out of this one’.
“They couldn’t get helicopters to the wounded for 12 hours, so it was only then that I was able to be evacuated and properly treated.”
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