Saturday 2 February 2013

Argentina pulls out of Falklands talks

A diplomatic dispute has erupted over the Falkland Islands after the Argentine foreign minister pulled out of talks with William Hague because the UK Government insisted that islanders should be able to take part.Hector Timerman has refused to meet representatives of the Falkland Islands government, which Argentina does not recognise as legitimate. The islanders were expected to tell Mr Timerman that Buenos Aires should respect islanders' rights and leave them in peace. Mr Timerman had initially asked for a one-to-one meeting with Mr Hague. In words bound to raise tensions between the UK and Argentina over the issue Mr Timerman said he was sorry that Mr Hague "can't meet without the supervision of the colonists from the Malvinas". He said that the United Nations regards the dispute over the islands which Argentina knows as the Malvinas as a bilateral issue between Buenos Aires and London.Read More HERE

Oh the arrogance of Hector Timerman, he doesn't think that the population of the Falklands for hundreds of years should be part of any talks, we all know why Hector spat his dummy out because he knows full well that the Islanders will unanimously vote to remain British. So Hector you have pulled out of talks like your military pulled out of fighting in 1982.

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