Thursday 4 August 2011


Jack Livesey

Some may be able to dismiss the likes of Jack Livesey as a misguided fool and not let it bother them, well as a genuine Falklands War Veteran I cannot do that. If it was not for the fact that he not only was he stealing the glory of veterans he was also stealing tax payers money in the form of £30,000 of benefits he may still be getting away with it. He must have been looking forward to next years 3Oth anniversary where he could have spouted more of his lies, thank God he wont be living of the real Heroes courage he so easily stole for all these years. To use his pathetic excuse of some form of mental illness just adds insult to injury to the over 300 Falklands veterans who have taken their own lives due to their PTSD. He is not ill he is quite simply a LIAR. It sad that the British government does not have stricter punishment for impersonating the military and in this frauds case illegally wearing medals you have no right to wearing. I believe in America you can go to jail for doing this? I know its easy to buy medals from places like e-bay, what saddens me more is the fact that he might even be wearing a genuine Falklands veterans medals? I don’t believe this creature has any remorse for his actions , I have more sympathy with a shoplifter who steals food than stealing glory for you own ego. Remember his face and name JACK LIVESEY as another Walt bites the dust. Come to think about it he would have made a perfect politician.

The more I look at his photo the more I want to repeatedly punch him in his face.
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