Wednesday 15 June 2011

David Cameron Unveils Flag Ship Homes For Heroes Project

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British Prime Minister David Cameron today unveiled his campaign for affordable homes for Veterans. A rather exited Cameron said today, “ Its simply a wizard idea , our chaps that have done their bit can now live like the rest of us in these sustainable affordable adaptable new homes.”

Asked by Sky News today how the system would work he said

“Its as simple as a modern day coalition Government, when the chaps come back to Blighty they can put their names down on a waiting list , I guarantee they wont have to wait more than Five years and if they have a family a minimum of Three years.”

Asked how much they would cost he said

“Well I think its only fair that they contribute near  100% towards to cost of these exclusive homes, I’m thinking off the top of my head  that if they cost say £175,000 the chaps would have to cough up at least £170,000 and  I personally will provide the rest, which I think you will agree is a very generous gesture from a Prime Minister.”

He was then asked what has been the reaction to his plan from the Armed Forces

“ I have already had several army chaps, the ones that wear those red hats asking if they can have a house at the top, call it a penthouse if you like, the chaps with the coloured hats can live at the top and the others with blue hats can live at the bottom, its very simple really.”

At this stage the Prime Minister cancelled the interview and said

“Sorry I have to go now and sign another cheque for a Trillion pounds for overseas aid.”

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