Tuesday 22 September 2009

British Army Afghanistan Tribute.

Watching Men Burn: The Falklands War, and What Came Next a Soldier's Story

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  1. World's leading Objectivist philosopher explains how the West's failure to secure her oil assets in the middle East are at the root of today's ills. I know British engineers who created the oil industry in Iran would totally agree - I have seen interviews where they said they simply could not believe the sell-out by a succession of US and British governments. Same happened in Suez and is happening today in Afghanistan.

    Starts 2.59


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Have you got a direct link konychee to this, I didnt want to download a file as it may be a virus?

    Saudi has plenty of oil perhaps we have been invading the wrong places?

  4. Yeah Rogue,


    Lecture 79. Starts 2.59


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