Wednesday 9 April 2008

Ex-soldier gets 15 years for shootings

LONDON (Reuters) - A former soldier who shot dead four members of his family before walking into a police station with a bag of weapons and a homemade bomb was detained for a minimum of 15 years on Wednesday, police said. Read It Here

(RG) Sadly this is the deadly consequence of untreated mental health problems faced by ex servicemen & their families. These were
my comments on this tragedy last year.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

Boycott BP


  1. PTSD thankfully doesnt reveal itself in this way very often, but when it does the only benefit is that it get press coverage and people start paying attention to it. Sufferers, are not all grumbling hand wringing wierdo's who sit in the park staring at the trees, they are the bloke you see emptying your bins, the lady who takes your notes at the solicitors and the fella who teaches your kids.PTSD can be horrible dreams, a fear of open spaces,loud noises that slow down you day to day life, but unfortunatley sometimes like the story. Someone needs to address this issue, if it was an issue of inimgration then it would be dealt with.

  2. I hope we get our act together for the returning lads and lassies from Iraq and the Stan.

    Me thinks there will be a need for better mental health services now and much more in the future.


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