Soldiers, welfare organisations and senior politicians are calling on the Home Office not to deport the wife of a serving British soldier.
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(RG) I am angry but not in the slightest surprised. This woman would have been better off being married to a member of Al Qaeda or the Taliban. Proof yet again that this Government has an inbred institutional hatred of our Armed Forces. I hope the Canadian people realise that most rational British people are disgusted at this woman’s treatment. The Crozier family would be better of emigrating to Canada altogether away from this Shameful Country.
© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.
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It's not just the Armed Forces, that these Marxist tools loath, it's the whole British nation, or any other white face that doesn't genefluct to their smug pieties. Just listen to them howl when one of their pet victim class, steps out of his/her assigned roles.
ReplyDeleteActually, we owe a debt of thanks to Johnny Taliban and his radical comrades, for they really have exposed the left for what it truly is...just another Marxist Utopian dream, marching forward, hiding under the banner of greater compassion, proclaiming their superior virtue and care for humanity as they line their pockets and seek to ensconce themselves in an unassailable position of entitlement and perpetual authority....about as fraudulent as you could possibly get.
Whoops...that should be "genuflect"
ReplyDeleteI should point out, I very much doubt if the "Conservatives" are really much better, they're just a lighter shade of pale, but I guess that's understandable, as they all went through the same indoctrination process.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like, once again it will be the poor man, the working stiff, whose lot it will fall to, to save the nation.
A ancestor of mine, an uncle of my maternal grandfather, was a lawyer in Scotland at the time of the Great War. He made a rather tidy fortune out of getting the sons of the wealthy, and the well connected, out of their call up duties. Needless to say, he didn't have a very high opinion of them, especially as both of his sons, together with my grandfather, served in the trenches. The more things change, the more they stay the same, the only difference being that this bunch we are saddled with, prefer to sneer at those who are willing to serve and sacrifice, but I guess it's a good way to hide their own craven natures, at least from themselves, for the rest of us can surely see them for what they are.