Monday 4 February 2008

Thousands of sick soldiers and resignations leave British Army running out of men

A staggering 7,000 infantrymen are unfit to fight, leaving front-line troops "dangerously exposed," it was revealed today. Read It Here

(RG) Well they have got another 30 odd years of War to go so plenty of time to get it right? I suppose the Conservatives would just brand these 7,000 infantrymen `malingerers` and tell them to get back to work. Like I have said “Conscription Anyone?”Another way to boost numbers would be to set up a desk at the end of the Channel tunnel and when the illegal immigrants pour through, give them a uniform and send them to Afghanistan as some of them will be from there anyway and know their way around. This forced conscription may even ease our illegal immigration worries.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

Boycott BP

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