Sunday 3 February 2008

Iraq Veterans Denied Help

Hundreds of veterans, including many who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, are being denied vital help by the government to cope with the psychological fallout of war.
Read It Here

(RG) It’s a about saving money, they know that these guys are ill but if they can get away without paying them a War Pension they will. These men were denied help whilst War fighting and now they are being denied help on getting on with their lives. If they really want to help our returning veterans they could quite easily, they actually do have the money here is more proof of their blatant Waste Of Money . There are now thousands of emotionally disturbed young men and woman trying to settle back in to civilian life, some will make it some wont, some will even take their own lives or someone else’s in a Bar Room Brawl . Yet the civil servants will sleep comfortably in their own beds. As Charles figley said A "tsunami" of mental health problems resulting from the war in Iraq is headed our way," -
The tremors of this earthquake of misery are already rumbling of our shores.

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

Boycott BP

1 comment:

  1. Spot on again RG. The lies and twisted facts come out with the intent of saving money and no other motive. The words come out of efficiency and doing better than ever before or spending more than ever before but all these are meaningless statements. Why do they save money ? Probably to help pay for all their expenses or to put their kids through university and paying them as staff perhaps.


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