Wednesday 20 February 2008

14m WW1 Records Go On-Line, What did they die for?

On June 8 1917 the London Gazette carried a report about Captain Albert Ball, a fighter pilot who had been awarded the Victoria Cross "for most conspicuous and consistent bravery". Between April 25 and May 6 Ball had taken part in 26 combats, bringing down 11 hostile aircraft, on one occasion fighting six single-handedly.
Read It Here

(RG) Surely anyone with a sane mind cannot say that the first world war was justified, to me it was just mass murder plain and simple. The thing that upsets me most of all after all these years is how would these millions of men feel if we could bring them back from the dead and show them what successive British governments have done to their cities towns and villages?

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.

Boycott BP

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