Sunday 18 November 2007

Pilgimage 2007/Thatcher .

Now that I have got some of the cobwebs out of my brain and had a good sleep I will tell you a little more about my trip. I must go back to the Union Jack Club in London on the eve of our journey. The Iron lady herself made an appearance
Margaret Thatcher Even today she is surrounded by body guards, she looks much smaller and obviously much older than I remember her. Lots of the veterans were shaking her hand, one was so keen to get to the former PM that he ended up with his arm roughly held behind his back. I was stood by the bar with a group of veterans from different Regiments. I was a little shocked when some of them made insulting remarks about her. I wont name the lads or there Regiments only to say the were from Northern England (Like Myself) and Scotland. The brunt of their anger was the Miners Strike and how she smashed the Unions. I know even around here in Barrow there is still a great deal of anger about Thatcher and the conservatives , but I remember her for the Falklands War and on that I respect the woman, she may have stolen my milk when I was a child when she was Education secretary, but compared to what rules us now I would take Maggie any day.

The most emotional part of the journey was meeting some of the families who lost loved ones, Mothers showing you photographs of their sons who died at the age of 17 years of age, totally heart breaking, the grief as strong today as back in 1982. After flying the initial leg of the journey to Rio De Janeiro and a three hour stop we were then flown the rest of the way by and ex RAF pilot and Falklands Veteran who flew the famous
Black Buck bombing missions he set us down at Mount Pleasant like a feather landing on a pillow case.

Rogue Gunner posing on captured Argentine field gun

© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.
Boycott BP

1 comment:

  1. Argentinian Field gun?
    Desperate Dan could hold one under each arm and fire it on automatic. Sorry, I told political truth. This enormous weapon not able to fire on automatic :)
    Like saying Labour lies straight in bed?


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