HOMECOMING parties for hundreds of Queen’s guardsmen back from Iraq have been scrapped — because they are all men.
An events firm cancelled the Irish Guards’ bashes after presuming the squaddies would get drunk and create havoc. Read It Here
(RG) Let me get this right its ok to go and kill and potentially die for your country abroad, but its not alright to have a homecoming party in the Former Great Britain, this has got sod all to do with them being male its because they are SOLDIERS and as so HATED by these Socialist parasites that Govern us. I say they have their party regardless of what these vermin in the Houses Of Treason say, its about time we took our Country back, These imbeciles that try to run it cant even keep our personal records safe, never mind fraudsters, we also have Terrorists that might now have access to Servicemen’s children, then there is the Paedophiles, that seem to get free reign on SKY news to spout their sick excuses. The Former Great Britain is in melt down, God help us (Am I allowed to say God?)
© Mack (RG) The thoughts of a Falklands War Veteran.Rogue_gunner_32_alpha@yahoo.co.uk
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